Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass (Neues Glas)
February 1, 2023Neues Glas - No. 1/2023 Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass , a biennial exhibition organized by Bullseye Projects is a juried competition and resulting exhibition. It...Read more -
New Glass Review 42
The Corning Museum of Glass June 1, 2022Congratulations to the artists selected for New Glass Review 42 , which includes work by Bullseye artists Kate Clements, Te Rongo Kirkwood, Sibylle Peretti, and...Read more
Tg – To Cohere and Coalesce: The Movement of Kilnforming (Neues Glas)
by Helen Lee May 1, 2022Neues Glas - No. 2/2022 Bullseye Glass’s biennial exhibition of kilnformed glass—formerly Emerge —debuts this year under a new name: Tg . Tg refers to...Read more -
Bruno Romanelli (Glass Quarterly)
by Emma Park April 1, 2022Emma Park reviews Bruno Romanelli's work in the Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass exhibition at Bellevue Arts Museum in Glass Quarterly Spring Issue No. 166. Each...Read more