On Thursday, May 15, Oregon Art Beat aired a segment profiling Bullseye artist Tom Prochaska.
A selection of Prochaska's recent works on glass and paper will be included in Translations & Discoveries, an exhibit of painters and printmakers working in Bullseye glass, curated by Ted Sawyer. The exhibit will be on view in the Feldman Gallery at the Pacific Northwest College of Art from June 5th through July 27.
Oregon Art Beat is an Emmy-award-winning weekly television series produced by Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB). It profiles artists, musicians, and artisans, and suggests upcoming events. As Executive Producer Jeff Douglas explained, "The purpose of Oregon Art Beat is to introduce people to the arts and cultural events happening in the community. We know we've accomplished our mission if, after watching the show, viewers get involved."
Translations & Discoveries is free and open to the public, from 9 am until 9 pm daily. The Philip Feldman Gallery + Project Space is located in the Pacific Northwest College of Art at 1241 NW Johnson, Portland, OR.
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