Locked in a loop of familiarity and ambiguity, my gestural paintings, glasswork and sculptures exist in a moment of tension between the unnamable source and fiction. They suggest an original reference but are independent of it. By blurring the lines between the absolutes of reality and fiction, I strive to enter a liminal state where everything is imbued with an ecstatic transformative energy; a place where the silent hum of the subconscious is unmistakable. 


Michael Endo earned an MFA in painting from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan, in 2009 and a BA from Portland State University, Oregon, in 2005. His work has been exhibited internationally in both group and solo exhibitions. In 2011, Endo received a Regional Arts and Culture Council Grant and was a finalist for the Seattle Art Museum’s Betty Bowen Award. In 2015, Endo was the University of Sunderland’s first Emerging Artist-in-Residence at the National Glass Center. Endo is the Artistic Director at Pilchuck Glass School.